Network Version Management: Includes license management and distribution

It is best for enterprises to purchase legal and genuine network software, while setting up systems like Time Sharing, LOD (License On Demand), using a First Come First Service model. Employees can register and use it online anytime, but if no action or command is executed within a specified period, the network management system will forcibly log out the user, allowing the next person to log in, thus enhancing the efficiency of using legal and genuine network software.

Network Version License Software Control List:

Software Manufacturer Usage Description
Allegro PCB Designer Cadence/Graser Circuit board/circuit diagram design software, Layout R&D design
OrCAD Cadence/Graser Circuit board/circuit diagram design software, EE R&D design
Concept Cadence/Graser Circuit board/circuit diagram design software, EE R&D design
CAM350 DownStream Technologies Check Gerber
Creo/ProE PTC Mechanical design software, ME R&D design drawing
UG Siemens Mechanical design software, ME R&D design drawing
CATIA Dassault Mechanical design software, ME R&D design drawing
Solidworks Dassault Mechanical design software, ME R&D design drawing
AutoCAD Autodesk 2D, 3D CAD design software
PADS Mentor Graphics PCB design
MATLAB TeraSoft Control system design and analysis, image processing, signal processing and communication, financial modeling and analysis

Audit Management: Includes audit system integration and deep audit robots

Legal and genuine network software and work computers are fully integrated into the company's network management, allowing for real-time or periodic online audits to eliminate misuse.

SAM's audit management is specifically used to solve the following issues.

Asset Management: Includes software asset management and software installation management

Enterprise purchases of new versions of legal and genuine network software are registered as assets just like work computers, both must be online and constantly updated, ideally managed by IT/MIS as a single controlling unit.

Management Platform: Includes reporting center and notification mechanism

When business units allocate annual budgets for tool software, there isn’t a data-supported report as a reference. Through the management platform, information such as who, which department, when, what software, and how long it was used can be obtained. Budgets for new software purchases through maintenance fees in subsequent years are then apportioned based on the actual usage rates of the business units.