Information transparency and real-time management of the procurement process, absolutely a powerful assistant for procurement.

Donald Chen / Quanta Computer Inc., Product Manager

The company has already implemented an ERP system, which functions well internally; however, ERP support for external users, especially on the supply chain, is clearly insufficient. After forecasts or order confirmations, it often still requires manual intervention to communicate information to suppliers, consuming significant amounts of labor and time. It is expected that a quick integration of a supply chain system will solve the current difficulties.

Problems before system implementation:

  • Internal operations are supported by ERP, but communication and information transmission with suppliers still rely on mail, fax, and telephone.。
  • Weekly ERP planning needs to consolidate suppliers' commitments to materials for more accurate calculations, but collecting and confirming suppliers' commitments often takes more than a week.
  • Suppliers often inquire about payment amounts and dates, requiring our procurement or accounting staff to frequently check and respond in the ERP system.
  • Quarterly sourcer inquiries require continuous email exchanges with manufacturers, tracking each material and updating prices, which also brings a significant workload to the procurement staff.

Benefits after system implementation:

  • Rapid implementation: Cloud services allow the company to implement quickly without the need for hardware setup and maintenance, enabling us to focus on the business.
  • Mastery of processes: The processes provided on the platform are verified and successfully implemented by many large corporations, allowing us to adopt the same processes as these major enterprises in a short period, saving us much time in exploration and trials.
  • Integrated environment: The CAMP platform, besides the manufacturing cloud module, offers many convenient features and environments, such as chat rooms, contact books, and community boards, especially combined with mobile device apps, which also enhance our competitiveness during implementation.
  • Business integration: After implementing the manufacturing cloud, business communications with suppliers are all conducted on the cloud system, involving internal procurement staff and external suppliers, along with corporate ERP and the cloud manufacturing cloud, achieving paperless operations while significantly saving labor and time costs.

    Additionally, two system screenshots are provided for reference.